Film Editor - Imdb

Born 27 March 1978

Bachelor of Arts in Film Editing 

Stockholm academy of dramatic arts - 2015


Healing Rwanda - (feature doc) at BackFlip Media - Dylan Williams


Freedom of Speech - Police (feature doc) at SirenFilm -  Susanna Edwards


Olympic Games Paris 2024 - OBS, Olympic Broadcasting Services

Deputy Venue Technical manager / Opening cermony, outside races. 


Cry Wolf (Vargasommar - C more series) at Nordic Drama Queens/Jesper Ganslandt


In the name of God (feature) at Silverbullet Film/Ludvig Gür

Genombrottet - The breakthrough (Netflix Original) at FLX/Lisa Siwe


Från Trakten (SVT-fiction) at StoryOne/Johan Wiman/Carl-Petter Montell

Jasmine´s two homes (short-doc) at Napa Films/Inka Achté/Liisa Karpo

SNABBA CASH  Season 2 (Netflix Original) at SF Studios/Jesper Ganslandt/Nicklas Wikström Nicastro. 3 episodes.


Dreamster (short) at Warner/Ludvig Gür

Touching Freedom (doc) at Auto Images/Manal Masri/Ove Rishöj Jensen (Release in 2022)

Väx upp (short fiction) at Overcoat/Frida Thelin/Johanna Hedberg/Johan Seth

100 seasons (feature)at French Quarter film/Giovanni Bucchieri/Isabella Rodriguez


Greta Thunberg (doc), in co-operation with Charlotte Landelius, at B-Reel/Nathan Grossman/Olof Berglind

Golden Land (doc) at Auto Images/Inka Achté (release in 2022)

Men who sing (doc) at Backflip/Dylan Williams (release in 2021)


Capturing the Divine (doc)atMantaray Film/Susanna Edwards /Stina Gardell (release in 2021)

Hunted (doc)at Mantaray Film/Stina Gardell/Rebecca Rasmusson

438 days - (Official Trailer & Promo for feature)atMisofilm/Sandra Harms/Jesper Ganslandt

The Heart is a Drum (doc) German version, at Backflip/Dylan Williams/Jacob Frösén

Maxat (kids scripted)at SVT Barn/Elsa Gellermark


Jimmie (feature) at Fasad/ Jesper Ganslandt / Jesper Kurlandsky

Rekonstruktion av uthyrd sommarstuga (short) at Zvonko/Richard Dinter

Sleeping people (commercial for Clas Ohlson) at Giants and Toys/Jesper Ganslandt/Johan Sundbaum

Commercial films (Life, Capio) at OTW/ Gustav Fromell, David Bexelius/ Minna Fagerfjäll

Makeriet (kids scripted factual) at OTW for UR/ David Bexelius

Det Okända (formatted series), at Nordisk Film/ Maria Bäcklander


Venue Technical manager / Cross country venueOlympic Games 2018 Pyeongchang/Olympic Broadcasting Services


Leif & Billy (scripted humor series) for SVT Humor at MAG5

Pengarna i Piracy (doc) for TV4 at Silvio

Brorsor forever (Dumle commercial) at MAG5

Bilprovningen (workplace reality series), En resa för livet (for SOS Barnbyar) at OTW


Samtidigt i Hofors (doc series) at SVT Dokumentär/Patrick Bratt


Venue Technical manager / Athletics

Olympic Games 2016 Rio/Olympic Broadcasting Services

SAS Commercials, Life Commercials at OTW


Bachelor of Arts in Film Editing. Stockholm academy of dramatic arts 2015.

Vad Gafflar Ni Om? (Commercial web series) for IKEA at OTW/Magnus Hogenschild

Inuti ett träd (doc) together with Gustav Ågerstrand


En gång om året (official trailer)/Gorki Glaser-Müller

Zmiivka (short)/Anna Eborn

Inte OK (scripted humor) at Chimney for TV3

Copped and Stacked (music video) / Simon Moser

Sveriges värsta bilförare for Kanal5 at Chaparall

Det okända, several episodes season 17 and 18 for Sjuan at Nordisk Film

2013 and before

Various projects at OTW, Nordisk Film, Redhood, Bror Produktion, Strix Television, and more.

OBS/Olympic games technical management at various games 2006-2018.

(My very first editing gig was in 2003, Cosmomind 2 for UR in Stockholm. This is also where I met my wife)

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